Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery 

State of New York


In July 2013, Jay was recruited as one of the first subject matter experts to establish the Governor's Office of Storm Recovery for the State of New York’s $35 billion rebuilding effort following Super Storm Sandy.  Using his expertise, Jay lead New York’s efforts to Build Back Better and coordinated Federal resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and US Army Corps of Engineers.

Working directly with the State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, Environmental Facilities Corporation, Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and a variety of agencies within the Energy Family, including most notably, the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) – he helped insure over $6 billion of Federal spending was strategically, transparently and sustainably invested in the State’s green and gray infrastructure.  

Jay led a multi-disciplinary team that secured GOSR’s first two Authorizations to Use Grant Funds (AUGF) from HUD for Robert Moses and Roberto Clemente State Parks.  HUD’s AUGF approval process typically takes 180 days and approval of $40 million expenditure of CDBG-DR resources on Robert Moses was achieved in less than 60 days.  Jay also helped secure swift approvals for the $46.5 million of CDBG-DR for Roberto Clemente committing over $86 million to natural resource and parks projects while aslo negotiated agreements allowing for the largest settlement in FEMA's history - the investment of $1.7 billion in LIPA's transmission and distribution system.