Jefferson-Chalmers WATER Project

Detroit, Michigan

IIn the last weekend of June 2021, massive and intensive rainfall caused failures throughout the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) system.  Pump and station failures on Detroit’s eastside hit caused damage in those neighborhoods, but the low-lying Jefferson-Chalmers was the most impacted.  While a National Disaster (MI-4607) was declared, residents continue to struggle to recover and cloud burst rain showers are not necessary for residents of Jefferson-Chalmers to experience basement back-ups, filled catch basins and combined sewage discharges at both Fox and Conner Creeks. 

The storm brought to light system vulnerabilities while and inundation from Great Lakes that began 2019 punctuated a larger list of infrastructure failures and the INTERCONNECTED water resource management challenges while also demonstrating the need for and the need for a comprehensive approach.  Later that year, updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) as well as new 100-Year FEMA Floodplain were published and have caused additional challenges to the neighborhood.

 A White Paper authored by Jay, Toward Better Water Resource Management in the Jefferson-Chalmers Community was published just two days before the storm offered many solutions and the timing of its publication brought these issues forward in the minds of residents, stakeholders, regulators and elected officials.  The White Paper proposed a multi-pronged community-based initiative and the Jefferson-Chalmers Water Access, Technology, Education and Recreation (WATER) Project was born. 

 Since its introduction, The WATER Project has become embraced by the community and other stakeholders, has garnered significant attention – including from the local and international media and has secured over a million dollars in public support and philanthropy to support its mission.

 Working with a cross section of interested stakeholders, Jay continues to provide leadership for the initiative, authoring additional policy papers – including an Engineering Report, testifying before various City agencies and local political organizations, presented at local, state and international conferences and been recognized for his expertise in these matters.

Learn more about Jefferson-Chalmers Water Access, Technology, Education and Recreation (WATER) Project.